"What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life -- to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
**George Eliot
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Surfing in December
Over the weekend Kenneth took Chad and I to San Diego for the Charger vs. Bengals game. (I know WOW right???!) It was so much fun. We had a wonderful time. Chad even paid for our "fancy meal" out. (OUCH !! Dropped a few on that one.) First lobster dinner that Chad paid for (Ken says .... many more to come.) The game was great. Chargers won! But, it was a nail biter -- very close. The stadium was CRAZY!! We are so spoiled here in Phoenix. The Cardinal stadium is amazing. It took us an hour and a half to get in to the stadium (seriously .... we were at the stadium, just couldn't get in.) And an hour and a half to get out. Serious traffic issues there. Chad, of course, had to go surfing. It was FREEZING !! When he got out he looked fine, but in a matter of seconds he turned lobster red. (Just the way he likes it - he says.) It was a wonderful time, especially having Chad for the weekend. We don't see him much --(he's 18 !)
We're Pam & Kenneth from Phoenix, Arizona. 'Lena (24), Kenna (16), and Chad (20). Kenna is a Sophmore at Boulder Creek High School. Chad is currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He will be in Merida Mexico from Oct. 2010-2012. Mom will be udating his blog with his Mexico adventures.
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