"What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life -- to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
**George Eliot
We had a wonderful Christmas !! We were able to do our traditional brunch again this year. We love that ! Grandma came this year - and Chip, Nicole, and Brittany. It's always a lot of fun when you put Chad and those two cousins together. It makes for a relaxing Christmas. We get up (I gotta say, it's really wonderful when your kids let you sleep in the morning and you just casually wake up to Santa.), open presents, get ready for brunch. We go eat (a ton) and then have the rest of the day to play and rest. I make a ham and rolls later in the day for sandwiches and we always have all the Christmas Eve leftovers. The kids were wonderful -- no fighting. Love that !! Best gift of all. Then last night our Chargers had a game that they blew out !! What could be better. We ended the night with a fierce game of Mexican Train Dominoes. I won't tell who one . . . but the initials are M.O.M. : o )
Over the weekend Kenneth took Chad and I to San Diego for the Charger vs. Bengals game. (I know WOW right???!) It was so much fun. We had a wonderful time. Chad even paid for our "fancy meal" out. (OUCH !! Dropped a few on that one.) First lobster dinner that Chad paid for (Ken says .... many more to come.) The game was great. Chargers won! But, it was a nail biter -- very close. The stadium was CRAZY!! We are so spoiled here in Phoenix. The Cardinal stadium is amazing. It took us an hour and a half to get in to the stadium (seriously .... we were at the stadium, just couldn't get in.) And an hour and a half to get out. Serious traffic issues there. Chad, of course, had to go surfing. It was FREEZING !! When he got out he looked fine, but in a matter of seconds he turned lobster red. (Just the way he likes it - he says.) It was a wonderful time, especially having Chad for the weekend. We don't see him much --(he's 18 !)
Kenna turned 15 on December 15th. Isn't she pretty??!! I am freaking out a bit with the knowledge that she'll be driving in 6 months and dating in another year. And she's my BABY !! Oh well -- on to bigger and better things.
I gave the lesson in Relief Society yesterday on the Martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum Smith. I made the following slide show. I hope it touches your spirit.
We're Pam & Kenneth from Phoenix, Arizona. 'Lena (24), Kenna (16), and Chad (20). Kenna is a Sophmore at Boulder Creek High School. Chad is currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He will be in Merida Mexico from Oct. 2010-2012. Mom will be udating his blog with his Mexico adventures.