Well, it is finally here. Chad has been in the mission field for 6 months !!! He is having a great time and having lots of wonderful experiences. Our best guess is that he's lost about 25 lbs. and is developing that nice, dark Mexican tan! He says his Spanish is "coming along"..... He did a practice exercise with one of the Hermana Missionaries (Sister) and she told him, "Well, I don't really know what you said.... but the Spirit spoke - and it was strong." HA! We have truly been blessed while he has been gone. The Lord is taking care of us -- we have received some "breaks" the last few months - that have really helped us. We recognize that for the true Spirit that it is. We are blessed..... We miss him horribly but love Monday's when we get to hear from him. He's being a good boy and doing like his Mother asked him -- sending pictures with every e-mail. We usually get about 5-10 pictures each week. That's such a blessing. I can't imagine when parents had to wait for snail mail. Even when his e-mails sound a little down - I can see a picture of him - smiling, laughing, enjoying life. That really helps because those don't lie. He's doing well.