Ken & Mc Kenna started our Thanksgiving with a 5K "Turkey Trot" for the Bentz' little girl. She has leukemia. Ken had already run his normal 5 miles. WHAT A TURKEY !!! (What's a few more miles right????)

We had a wonderful day at my sister Diana's. It was a VERY QUIET THANKSGIVING !!! So strange. But peaceful and nice. Bryce and Laura literally JUST had their baby, Zachary Paul Thurber. He came from the hospital to Thanksgiving dinner. It's "CHAD DAY" so I wasn't sure if we were going to get an e-mail. But - we did. While we were at Diana's. It was a treat to hear from him on the holiday. He began his day with a devotional from Elder Holland. His family was there and their grandkids even sang a primary song for the missionaries. This is the 5th apostle he has seen, and he thought they were going to see another last night. We survived our first holiday without Chad....... whew!! It was very strange for Kenna. 'Lena went with her Dad too, so Kenna was an only child. Like I said STRANGE !!!!
Is that Kenna with a
Pam & Zach
Madison & Uncle Ken