(July 16th-23rd)
This year Ken's neice Kandus was getting married in San Diego during our week vacation. Convenient !!! So - even though Kenna wasn't back from the Trek we took off on the 16th. The next day we had the rehersal dinner at the beach (way fun !! complete with smores) and then picked up Kenna from the airport that night. She flew in just in time for the wedding the next afternoon. It was a beautiful wedding at the Bay with the water behind them. Congratulations Kandus and Shaka -- we love you !!
We missed Chad so much !! Chad is "Mr. California" and everywhere we went people asked about him. We showed lots of pictures and people took some as they looked. Ken says that the good thing about NOT having Chad with us -- was well, the food budget !!! It was great. I wanted to surprise him with a family picture with us in his boardshorts. (He's been asking me to send him a pair of his -- but my opinion, call me crazy...... A missionary does NOT need a pair of boardshorts. So, I haven't sent him any and won't be sending him any. HAHA!) So before we left I went in to his room to get a couple pairs. He had 27, yes twenty-seven pairs of boardshorts. CRAZY!! It would have been great to have a picture of a bunch of people (just complete strangers) in his shorts, but we took a family one anyway. He loved it -- but once again asked, "HEY---- SEND ME SOME OF THOSE !!!"
When we checked out of our Condo we drove to Anaheim and finally took Kenna to Knottsberry Farm. She's been wanting to go forEVER. It was fun. But, Ken and I are getting too old to do those dang rides.
Kenna finally getting herKnottsberry Farm trip
Typical family beach time--we're ALL asleep !!
Fashion swimwear provided by Quicksilver...and Chad !!
LOVE this picture of our sweet 'Lena
Chip, Nicole, and Ken
Grandma Virginia and 'Lena
At the reception

Kandus and Shaka
Daddy's Princess